So... has it really been six months since I've posted? It has?
My Bad.
A hectic six months it has been. No word of a lie. I had good intentions to blog, write about the goings-on here in the cold North, and keeping tabs on my Remicade infusions. But, you know ... sleep, food, work, etc happened. Especially sleep, I have been aggressively protective of any extra minute of sleep I can gain. Constant business can do that to a lady.
A brief breakdown of the last six months, to exemplify why my blog has been collecting proverbial internet dust:
I began a new job (a permanent position!), and this month was orientation. I spend much time going home after work and looking through new guidelines, manuals, and researching health topics that were new to my practice. I love learning and being challenged professionally, so it was an exciting month in that aspect. I was fortunate that I was taking over the role from a previous preceptor of mine, whom I admire for her seemingly endless wealth of knowledge. I am also fortunate that I have some incredible co-workers, who guided me through this new role and answered my questions as I maneuvered through a mountain of new information.
I attended a Run for Our Lives event on 16 October 2014. It was an event to raise funds and awareness regarding breast cancer. As breast cancer runs in my family, I felt it was important to support this event. I went with my Mom. There was some yoga, a dinner (the curried sweet potato soup was DELICIOUS) and discussion of nutrition from Lorie Crawford RHN, and a friend spoke about alternative beauty products. A worthwhile event!
I also went to a wine gala. It was ... meh. Small finger foods (not much on the dairy-gluten-free front) and a very crowded room. Some okay wine, but being shoulder-to-shoulder in line waiting for a small sample is not my idea of a fun evening. Also .... very few seats and many women in heels. My poor feet. Will not attend a second time.
I also discovered this amazingness, which I've been eating every day since:
Also amazing, during my Remicade infusion:
Orientation over, ready for work just in time for flute flu season. This month I learned a great deal about many communicable disease and vaccines, specifically the flu vaccine. Read more about it here (Public Health Agency of Canada) and here (Immunize Canada). Very interesting stuff (aka I'm a nerd).
While I was influenza-free (yes, I did get my vaccine!), I did get a nasty sinus infection that dragged on for about two weeks. My neti-pot became my best friend (so much so that I dropped and shattered it, requiring an urgent replacement should my congested nasal passages cause unearthly snoring).
I also joined Brrrlesque, "the hottest show in town" (seriously... tickets sold out in just seconds last year). I thought I would be unable to attend due to another obligation, but that fell through and dreams of glitter and spotlights danced in my head. I asked if any groups needed a spare for their piece, and back into rehearsals I was! This lead on to many months of rehearsals, costume alterations, loops of music replayed continuously to the annoyance of others. And spending time with some of the most incredible women.
Remicade again. December 24th, 2014 marked year four of this potent medication pulsing through my veins, allowing me to have a chance at a normal quality of life. My UC has never been this well behaved. Let's hope it keeps working for many years to come:
I also had my first EVER trip to Toronto, Ontario - for Christmas and New Years, no less!
It was a trip with my handsome man, to see his stomping grounds and meet the family (or, as my Mother says, "the outlaws"). Scott was kind enough to inform the family about my dietary concerns - and, much to my surprise and delight, had a dairy-gluten free Christmas dinner prepared. His Mom even purchased some of my favorite fruits and snacks so I wouldn't go hungry. His family rocks.
He also surprised me with a gift of tickets to some of the attractions to see in Toronto - Casa Loma, Zoo, Royal Ontario Museum, Science Center, CN Tower. Yes, those are in order from my most favorite to "yay another high tower" rating. Sadly, we did not make it to any Leaf games (although their season has been crummy).
Although, I did get to meet someone pretty fantastic...
*Commence Canadian Geeking Out*
He also introduced me to some delicious places to eat, which is a magnificent treat considering the limited restaurant choices in the small city of Yellowknife. Even more-so, places that can accommodate my delightful dietary issues. I still dream about Burrito Boyz and tapas.
Happy new year?
My Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. I am close with my Grandmother, and the thought of the struggled ahead of her with this diagnosis made my heart ache. I began planning when I could visit to help her with the ordeal of medical appointments, pending procedures, and potentially chemotherapy.
It was also Brrrlesque photoshoot time. I was fortunate to have a foxy friend complete my makeup for me. I felt like a shiny Burlesque star:
Photo Credit: Tara Marchiori at Chasing Light Studio |
Brrrlesque was a nice reprieve from worries about my Grandmother, and was a much-needed confidence booster. Getting dolled up and having a sisterhood of amazing women telling you that you are also amazing is the jump I needed.
This was a hectic month. I had my Remicade to start the month off, then Brrrlesque rehearsals increased as the pending show was at the end of the month.
It was also damn cold outside.
I then went to Victoria for two weeks to help Grandma. It looked more like this:
She began chemotherapy. It was hard at times, but I appreciated every moment we had together. I don't know what I would have done without Scott's help, he was the best confidant/supporter/chauffeur I could have asked for.
I did see my friend Sarah while I was there, who introduced me to Origin Bakery. I had the best gluten-free, vegan bread I've ever had. I bought five loafs of the Vega bread to bring home. I ate one loaf while I was there.
The Brrrlesque show was a massive hit. We brought glitter to the city over three miraculous days.
Playing Alice in Brrrlesqueland, dancing to Sway, and opening the show were my contributions - which were filled with so much joy and energy. I can't wait to do it again next year. I even made the local newspaper!
My only focus right now is getting a little rest ... and preparing for another Brrrlesque show in a castle made of snow!